Friday, January 18, 2013

Tapping in the New Year

A New Year is a great reminder to most of us of what we have goals for our future. It prompts us to go over the highlights of the previous years and the lows. So in the spirit of turning over a new leaf, we make new demands of ourselves so that we may get what we want in the end. However, there can sometimes be doubt that fight your synthetic affirmations. The important thing to understand about what we affirm is that the more emotions that support an affirmation, the more powerful it is. Also, we must understand that affirmations are ANYTHING that we affirm to ourselves. If we want to lose weight this year or gain financial success, we have to destroy the memories, proofs, and beliefs that support the creations that you have manifested thus far.

Trying to change the external world by consciously eating differently or spending your money differently may help. However, some of us may find ourselves back in the same boat in time for April showers and May’s beautiful flowers. How do we approach change using the concepts of FasterEFT?

First, you have to remember that ANYTHING that you affirm is an affirmation, including those memories, beliefs, and proofs to the problems you are having and unconsciously rehearsing. So, we have to start releasing what we DON’T want so that we may get what we DO want. Keep in mind that if there is resistance to address any issues, then the need to persistently address them is of high importance.

I suggest making a list of everything that you don’t want in your life. Most likely this will consist of several things that you are successfully producing currently that you are not happy with. On the opposite side, write what you do want. Then, go down the list and tap on everything that supports what you don’t desire. Remember to include the fears that you have as well. Then, once you have made peace with them, imagine that you have achieved your goals. Notice any resistance or disbelief and tap on that as well. Keep working on you and make 2013 the best year yet.

