Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Today is the day! (046.Cancer - What do you believe)

My friend Deirdre Maguire has made a series of profound videos that contain material that is so raw and real that any person can watch these videos and have a revelation. This particular video hit me so hard when I watched it. It made so much sense. Here is a woman diagnosed with cancer and sees opportunity for healing. Then, she reminds you from her blessed stand point that you don’t have to be diagnosed to start living in the now. While we all likely know this, Deirdre is living it. From her heart comes this video where she is the rooster that nags you from sleep to join the world of making things happen for yourself and RIGHT NOW. Now, this blog can’t quite speak any more loudly than the video does, but simply is here to point out how incredibly proud I am of this remarkable woman. She has become family to me because of how true her heart is and what a wonderful and dedicated friend she is. I could go on and on about what Deirdre has brought into my life as well as others', but I will use the remainder of the blog to point out some suggestions.

First, I must ask the question; When is NOW a good time to start being happy?

I suggest you proactively get a happy journal and write in it daily. Also, be sure to go back and read it. Literally do things to remind you that life is beautiful.

Get a gratitude rock like the one suggested by The Secret. For those of you who don’t know what it is, it’s a small rock that you keep in your pocket. I have one that I picked up in Cork, Ireland by the ocean. Every time you graze it, touch it, or empty your pockets you think of something your grateful for.

Tap. Address all your fears and beliefs that hold you back from putting your best foot forward. Keep destroying bad trances.

Go out and do something you always wanted to do. Eat better, because now is the time to make that lifestyle change. Try a new hobby that helps you find the beauty in life.

Meditate. Wake up and walk through the wonderful things that you want in your day as if you already have them.

Thank everything and everyone. Hand out love freely. Why should people have to earn it from you? Remember, people who live the longest don’t take life so personally.

Remember, live for today and hold yourself responsible for what you have and will achieve.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Let Freedom Ring

The votes were tallied and a president was selected. I’m sure that those who voted did so with their best judgment, based on their own values. However, when it comes to politics there are always cynics. Even if you’re not one of them you can feel slightly cynical towards the opposing party’s candidate. These are the facts, whether you want Romney or Obama to win or any other candidate for that matter, you have to make peace with the end result. Obama is our 44th president. What does that stir inside of you? Do you future pace our great nation into a depression where jobs and wealth are scarce? Do you see our elderly suffering and pleading for some health care or lack of choices in health care? Are you someone who struggles with trust concerning our president? Ask yourself these questions and address what comes up because you will find out that in your heart the colors do run if you’re not at peace with our leader. You will discover that trust issues with authority figures may run deeper than Barack Obama or maybe the criticisms in your head have a familiar voice of those around you, like your family. My advice? Make peace with Obama and you will see a shift in your world. Freedom doesn’t start by a promise that a nation makes to you or by holding true to an oath that you were made to say since Kindergarten, but in your heart. That’s where the real fireworks begin and liberty reins, once you let go of the things that torment you into emotional slavery. Only then will you hear the bell of liberty.

God bless America.
God save the Queen
May the force be with you…
